Section 1 Pastoral Staff
A. Pastor
The Pastor will give himself to the ministry of the Word and to the performance of pastoral duties. He shall be an ex-officio member of all Teams and the Deacon Board; however, he may not serve as the Leader of any Team. He shall render a written report to the church at its annual business meeting.
The pastor will serve and guide the church to engage in a fellowship of worship, witness, education, ministry, and application; to proclaim the gospel to believers and unbelievers; and to care for the church's members and other persons in the community.
Calling: A pastor shall be chosen and called by the church/or pastor may appoint whenever a vacancy occurs. An election shall take place at a meeting called for that purpose, within two weeks after public notice has been given. Election shall be by secret ballot, and an affirmative vote of 85% of those present and voting shall be necessary.
Tenure: The Pastor shall be called for an indefinite term. Termination will be upon the pastor giving at least two (2) weeks written notice to the church, or by vote at a special business meeting. Termination shall be by secret ballot of the church. Majority vote of those members present and voting shall be necessary. The termination shall be effective immediately.
Vacancy: In the absence of the pastor from the pulpit, deacons will secure pulpit suppliers.
B. Other pastoral staff
Duties: As determined by the Personnel Committee: By the Antioch Baptist Church Personnel Policies Manual.
Section 2 Church Officers
All church officers must be members of the church. The officers of this church shall be as presented below:
A. Clerk
The clerk of the church shall keep a record of the names of members, their dates of birth, with dates of admission, termination, deaths, and baptisms. The clerk shall issue letters of termination upon request by a member or sister church and report the termination at the next regular business meeting. The clerk shall preserve on file all communications and official written reports. The clerk shall keep in a suitable book, in ink or typed, a record of all the business transactions of the church. The clerk shall be a member of the church and shall be elected annually, being nominated by the Pastor.
All records kept are and will remain the property of Antioch Baptist Church.
C. Treasurer
The treasurer and assistant treasurer shall each be elected for an indefinite term, being nominated by the Pastor. They will heretofore be referred to as “treasurers”. The treasurers shall receive and deposit in the name of the church in a local bank, said bank having been designated by the treasurers or chairperson of the Finance Committee, all money received through all channels, and pay all accounts promptly, consistent with the budget of the church, or as advised by the Finance Committee.
The treasurers shall keep an orderly set of books of all financial transactions, exhibiting with clarity all receipts and disbursements. The treasurers and the chairperson of the Finance Committee are the only individuals who are authorized to sign and issue checks for the church.
Upon election of a successor or successors, the treasurers shall deliver to the church all books, records and accounts related in any way to the office. The detail work of the treasurers may be delegated to other employed office personnel. It shall be the duty of the treasurers to render at each regular business meeting a financial report. Within thirty days after the close of each fiscal year, the treasurers shall render to the Finance Committee an annual financial report. Additional time may be allowed in preparing this report if the Finance Committee so authorizes. After the Finance Committee accepts the report, it will be presented to the church. Upon acceptance by the church, the annual report will be given to the church clerk and preserved as a part of the permanent records of the church. The treasurers shall be bonded.
All records kept are and will remain the property of Antioch Baptist Church.
D. Trustees
There shall be three (3) trustees and they shall serve for indefinite terms. Trustees shall be nominated by the pastor/deacons and recommended to the church for election. The sole duty of the trustees shall be to hold title to all church properties. They shall have power to assign and encumber any or all of such properties upon official recorded instructions of the church in conference. All duties of trustees must conform to the laws of the State of Texas. Trustees must be members of the church, and their terms shall be indefinite.
Section 3 Employees
The church shall call such employees as it shall need with a majority vote approving the employment. The Personnel Committee has the authority to hire and terminate non-ministry related employees without a church vote.
A. Employees shall be recommended to the church by the Personnel Committee along with a job-description and approved for employment by church vote. Employees shall be under the direction of the pastor and the Personnel Committee.
B. Employees shall be terminated by giving at least two (2) weeks written notice unless otherwise deemed appropriate by the Personnel Committee.
A. Function
1. The Deacons are servants unto the Lord, the members of this body, and the community. A Deacon's life should exemplify the Christian ideal, proclaiming the Gospel to believers and non-believers, and be consistent with the qualities set forth in the New Testament and in the church covenant. Deacons are to serve with the ministerial staff in performing the ministries of:
• Assisting the church in the achievement of its mission
• Proclaiming the Gospel to believers and nonbelievers
• Serving of the Lord's Supper
• Assist with worship as determined
• Provide pulpit supply when the Pastor’s position is vacated
• Caring for church members and others in the community
B. Election and Service
1. Term of Office: Deacons shall be elected for an indefinite term.
2. Pastor and the Chairman of the Deacons shall jointly determine the number of Deacons needed to adequately serve the church’s mission. The Deacons, in consultation with the Pastor, shall select the number of nominees needed. Nominees will be scripturally eligible individuals who have been active members for a minimum of (1) year. After selection of the nominees, the Pastor and the Chairman (or representative) shall personally meet with each nominee to determine that he is aware of the responsibility and is willing to accept the office of Deacon.
3. Deacons shall be elected as the Pastor is first lead by the Holy Spirit/adheres to criteria set forth in the Word of God, last but not least Pastor recognizes or determines a calling on their life. Then their names shall be published and made available to the church body.
4. Deacons shall embark upon a 6-12 month trial period and shall be ordained at a time determined by the Chairman of the Deacons and the Pastor.
C. Officers
1. The Board of Deacons shall elect a chairperson and secretary as the first order of business at their October meeting. Immediately after election, the chairperson shall appoint a vice-chairperson.
2. The duties of the officers are:
a. CHAIRPERSON. Administer the functions of the board, conduct meetings, provide guidance and counseling for members as required, seek opportunities for the spiritual enrichment of the board members, promote the spiritual well being of the body in the name of the board as appropriate, and report to the church at regular business meetings.
b. VICE-CHAIRPERSON. Fulfill the duties of the chairperson in case of absence, incapacity, or termination.
c. SECRETARY. Record the minutes of Board of Deacons meetings, maintain an accurate and legible record of meeting minutes, maintain a record of all official correspondence involving the Board of Deacons, May be required to fulfill the duties of vice-¬chairperson or chairperson in their absence, incapacity, or termination.
D. Removed from Service
1. A deacon's service on the active board may be terminated in any of the following manners:
• Death
• Incapacitation
• Transfer from the church
• By written request of individual deacon/or conduct unbecoming a Deacon’s office.
• By recommendation of the active board to a business meeting of the church
2. If a deacon's conduct and life-style fail to exemplify the Christian life, a recommendation to terminate service may be made to the board by two or more resident member, or originate from within the board. Prior to taking any steps to terminate service, the motives of the recommendation must be thoroughly investigated by the board and the pastor. If the motives are found to be inconsistent with the welfare of the church, or have not been made in the spirit of Christian brotherhood, the matter will be discontinued. Should the motives be found to hold merit, however, the chairperson of the Board of Deacons and the pastor should counsel with the deacon in question in an atmosphere of Christian love and concern. If after counseling and prayerful consideration, willingness to change on the part of the deacon is not evident, then steps to terminate the deacon's service may be initiated by the deacon board to be voted on by the church at a business meeting.
E. Meetings
1. The Board of Deacons will meet monthly and at other times as necessary. A majority of the number of active deacons must be present to constitute a quorum for their meetings.
Section 1. General Statement
All church committee members shall be recommended by the Ministry Leadership Team and elected by the church at the October business meeting of the church and take office on January 1st unless otherwise indicated in the description below. The committee members shall serve on a yearly basis unless otherwise noted. Special committees may be appointed for a term of up to one (1) year by the pastor, or recommended by the Ministry Leadership Team at the request of the church when the need arises. The pastor shall be considered an ex-officio member of all committees.
Section 2. Ministry Leadership Team
1. The council, unless otherwise determined by vote of the church shall be composed of:
• Leaders of all Ministry Teams
• Pastor/Ministry Staff
• Chairman of the Deacons
• Treasurers
2. The council will meet regularly as deemed necessary by the pastor or chairperson.
3. The Ministry Leadership Team is responsible to supervise the Ministry Teams and carry out the ministries of the church as directed by the Church Body. Refer to Figure 1.
4. Responsibilities:
• Develop a ministry plan for the church during the fourth quarter of a calendar year, for the following
calendar year. Actively seek ministry team, church membership, and community comment and input.
At a minimum, the ministry plan will include ministry teams and taskings.
• Provide opportunity for church members to join teams and provide guidance for these teams.
• Provide finalized teams, members, and taskings to the church at the first regular business meeting, for
that calendar year.
• Guide and supervise ministry teams throughout the year.
• Update teams, members, and taskings throughout the year and provide updates to the church
membership for approval at regular business meetings.
• Evaluate efficacy of teams and determine areas of strength and weakness in the church’s ministry
efforts. All Ministry Leadership Team members (as are all church members) are responsible to be
fervent in prayer and seeking God’s direction for the ministry of the church.
• Nominate members for the Finance Committee, Personnel Committee, and the Constitution Bylaws
Committee. These Committees will be elected by the church body.
Section 3. Finance Committee
The purpose of the Finance Committee is to prepare, present, and propose the church budget, to designate funds to organizations of the church and approve all non-budgeted expenditures of the church funds and to make any necessary adjustments during the fiscal year. The committee will promote the financial stewardship of the membership. The committee is responsible to have the church books audited as they determine necessary.
The Finance Committee shall be made up of a representative of the trustees, the treasurers and at least six (6) members-at-large. Neither of the treasurers shall be chairperson of the Finance Committee. At-large members shall serve an indefinite term. The previous chairman shall maintain an ex-officio member status after termination of the regular term.
Section 4. Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee shall consist of at least five (5) members. Their responsibilities are as follows:
• Prepare and recommend an annual budget for the church staff.
• Study and recommend the need for church staff positions.
• Recruit and interview new church employees and associate ministers as directed by the church.
Consult with the Pastor and other appropriate groups.
• Prepare and maintain church staff job descriptions.
• Define reporting relationships among the church staff and prepare an organizational chart.
• Prepare and maintain the Spring Hill Baptist Church Personnel Policies Manual for the church staff.
• Make recommendations concerning the relationship between the church and the ministerial staff to
the church body.
• Counsel with each member of the church staff at least once a year concerning duties, working
conditions, equipment, compensation, vacation, and other related matters.
• Conduct/Review performance appraisals of church employees.
• Dismiss church employees as necessary.
Section 5. Constitution and By-Laws Committee
A Constitution and Bylaws Committee consisting of at least five (5) members shall be nominated every (5) years to serve for one (1) year in order to review the constitution and bylaws and to recommend any necessary changes.
Section 6. Pastor Search Committee
A Pastor Search Committee shall be formed to seek a suitable pastor candidate. The committee shall be elected by the church as follows. The following individuals will meet:
• Chairman of the Deacons
• Head of the Personnel Committee
• Head of the Finance Committee
• Head of the Ministry Leadership Team
These individuals will present a slate of names for consideration on the Pastor Search Committee. Members of the Pastor Search Committee must have a minimum of two years church membership at Antioch Baptist Church. Nominations will be called for from the floor in addition to the slate of names presented by the Ministry Leadership Team. The committee shall consist of a minimum of seven (7) members, for a term to be determined by the church. The committee shall bring to the consideration of the church only one pastor candidate at a time. The recommendations of the committee will constitute a nomination.
Section 7. Administrative Teams
An administrative team is a group of church members who have joined together to meet specific church functional needs. Refer to Figure 1 to show the relationship between these teams and other church entities. As such it has the following characteristics:
• The team has official standing before the church in church business. As such, motions may be made to
the church as a team, with no requirement of a second on the motion.
• The tasking for administrative ministry teams comes from the church membership and church bylaws.
They are given authority by the church to accomplish these tasks.
• All team members must be members of the church.
• The duration of the team and its tasking depends on the vote of the church.
• Administrative Teams include the Finance Committee, Personnel Committee, Constitution and Bylaws
Committee, and Pastor Search Committee. The church staff is not considered to be an administrative
team, but will work with administrative teams in overseeing church administrative functions.
Section 8. Ministry Teams
A ministry team is a group of church members who have joined together to meet a church ministry need. This team and its tasking has been voted on and approved by the church for a specific period of time. Refer to Figure 1 to show the relationship between these teams and other church entities. The teams have the following characteristics:
• The team does not deal directly with the church body. Motions will be made by the Ministry Leadership
Team. Such motions do not require a second.
• The tasking for ministry teams comes from the church membership and clarified by the Pastor/Ministry
Leadership Team. They are given authority by the church to accomplish these tasks.
• A team member does not have to be a member of the church to be a member of the team. However,
the leader of the team must be a church member. Teams always have the option to seek individuals
who desire to assist in the ministry who are not voting members of the team.
• The duration of the team is one calendar year, maximum. Each year the Ministry Leadership Team will
determine which teams need to be extended for another year.
• Teams are encouraged to seek new team members as needed. Teams are also encouraged to
recommend new taskings. Changes to ministry teams or taskings will be approved by the church
membership during regular business meetings.
Section 9. Church Historian
A church historian shall be elected for a five-year term. It shall be the responsibility of the Historian to gather, record, and preserve all available church records, and to use these records to help members understand and appreciate their heritage and mission. The historian will enlist help from church members as needed.
Section 1. Worship Services
The church shall meet regularly each Sunday and at such other times as is deemed necessary for preaching, instruction, evangelism, and for the worship of Almighty God. These meetings shall be open for the entire membership and for all other interested persons, and shall be conducted under the direction of the pastor.
Section 1. Regular Business Meetings
Regular business meetings shall be held quarterly on the third Wednesday night of each quarter. .
Section 2. Special Business Meeting
A special called business meeting may be held to consider significant matters. A one-week notice of the subject, date, time and location shall be given for the specially called business meeting unless extreme urgency renders such notice impracticable. The pastor shall have the authority to call all special business meetings.
Section 3. Quorum
There must be a quorum of 10% of the resident members (as of January 1st each year) present in order to conduct a business meeting.
Section 4. Rules of Order
Robert's Parliamentarv Rules of Order is the authority for parliamentary rules of procedure for all business meetings of the church.
Changes in the Constitution and Bylaws may be made at any regular or special business meeting of the church. Each amendment shall have been presented in writing and copies furnished to each member present. A two thirds (2/3) majority vote is necessary of those present and voting to enact the proposed amendment. The proposed amendment shall be considered at the next regular business meeting.