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Pastor Larry Johnson

    Born and raised in Winnsboro, Louisiana; graduated from Franklin Parrish High School in 1969.  Left on a mission to find my father who lived in Portland , Oregon.  Found him; loved him and enjoyed him and my new family until he passed away in 1981.  Worked all night at a steel mill and attended school during the day, and in all that time God never left my side.  Finally I gave up the steel mill business and traded it in for a uniform in 1975 at age 24 in which all of my friends empathically said that I would regret, but I didn’t.

    Pastor Johnson retired from United States Army after 23 years of service in 1998.  He earned an Associate Degree in Business Administration from El Paso Community College while still in the service; thanks to a friend who encouraged him. Now he shares this basic concept with all who will listen that I took from his words of encouragement;  I believe “that just an ounce of concern can be a pound of success if applied appropriately”. Pastor Johnson understanding the significant impact that education has on any existing society then went on to receive his Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Work from the University of Texas at El Paso in May of 2000. But before he graduated in May of 2000 the Lord called him to pastor Antioch Christian Joy Center Baptist Church; then under the leadership of the late William Blakes; Pastor and founder who being led by the Lord decided to step down due to an illness. Pastor Johnson understood the scripture from Proverb 1:5 and applied it; it talked about a wise man hearing, and increasing his learning and that a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels, so in 2006 he graduated from Webster University with a Master’s degree in Counseling. This perseverance and strong determination from God’s divine guidance catapulted Pastor Johnson into a position that only God could have orchestrated; a position as Counselor for the federal government.  This long journey of experience and success is shared with the congregation as a lesson on how to position yourself to be blessed.


     In our ministry I’ve believed as Paul did and attempted to have all my messages and my preaching that God gives me to make them as plain as possible; rather than use clever and persuasive speeches.  I have relied only on the power of the Holy Spirit and my rationale was quite simple; I to wanted the people to trust not in human wisdom; nor in extensive book knowledge, nor in eloquence of speech, but in the power of God. Pastor Johnson serves as a member of the Ethics Committee for the El Paso State Center whose primary mission is to serve those who are mild, moderate and severely challenged.  Pastor Johnson has served as Vice President and Chaplin for the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance, and serves as President of the Eastside Lower Valley Fellowship of El Paso. Pastor Johnson has been married for 31 years to Marilyn Faye Spears; they have two lovely children; Brandon; 24 and Stephanie 22.  He has been the Senior Pastor of the Antioch Baptist Church of El Paso for the last 11 years. 

Favorite verse:

1 Timothy 6:17-19

17 Command those who are rich(A) in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth,(B) which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God,(C) who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.(D) 18 Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds,(E) and to be generous and willing to share.(F) 19 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves(G) as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of(H) the life that is truly life.

God Bless

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